How Long Does It Take to Prepare for the ACT or SAT?
This is generally the main question that I get from parents who are just starting the test preparation process. Unfortunately, this question is complex and doesn’t necessarily have an easy answer, but here are some guidelines to help you figure out a reasonable timeline for the test preparation process.
Three Main Questions
What is my starting score (diagnostic)?
How much do I need to improve to reach my goal?
Am I aiming for perfection?
Why your diagnostic score matters!
The reason for knowing your diagnostic score is simple: I need to know how much of the foundational material you know. You will require more preparation time if you have a very basic understanding of the concepts. This will also help identify any holes in your understanding, which we can then target.
How much do you need to improve?
The more you want to improve, the more time you need to invest in yourself.
3 ACT composite points/ 100 SAT composite points = 1 - 4 months
6 ACT composite points/ 200 SAT composite points = 3 - 6 months
More than 6 ACT composite points/ 200 SAT composite points = 6+ months
Is perfection reachable?
Once you get near the top of the curve, you will notice that every question is generally worth a point as well as it does get harder to answer every question correctly. This is because there are so many miscellaneous questions that can be asked. You will need to learn all of the nuanced questions. You will need to be prepared for whatever they might throw at you!
It is much easier for a student starting at 1300 to reach 1450 than a student starting at 1450 to reach 1600. These are both 150-point increases. However, it is much easier for the student starting 1300 than 1450 because the first student needs to work on global/foundational concepts, while the second student is trying for perfection.
Any other factors to consider?
Absolutely, there are many. You will also need to consider some others:
What types of questions did you miss? Can you improve upon them?
How stressed are you? Is your Junior year packed with sports and extracurriculars?
Are you dedicated to the process of test preparation?